Brazil in a trade war in the pharmaceutical sector? Why were foreign patents summarily extinguished?
22 de June de 2022Welcome to Elvas IP Channel!
18 de March de 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the new humanoids: Innovate or fear?
Humanoid robots are used for space research and exploration, personal assistance and care, education and entertainment, search and rescue, manufacturing and maintenance, public relations, and healthcare.
Before the coronavirus pandemic and economic uncertainty, Statistics Market Research Consulting expected the global market for humanoid robots to reach $13 billion in 2026. While future market behavior is unclear, the use of robots is on the rise: companies Chinese companies were racing to deploy robots and automation technology.
In this scenario, a universe of great opportunities for innovation opens up, from small daily improvements to global projects. Elvas IP offers mentoring and innovation and intellectual property management in the transformation of your intangible assets into material goods and technological innovation, which will collaborate with our future.
In 1942, economist Joseph Schumpeter created the theory of Creative Destruction, indicating that business cycles operate under long waves of innovation. From the industrial revolution to the emergence of the internet, the economy has undergone different changes in its path. And from that, the so-called innovation cycles emerged, arising from the waves of innovation, which aim to take advantage of technological resources to increase market competitiveness.
The innovation cycle has become critical to transforming businesses and driving progress. Creative Destruction makes it possible for, with advances in technology, cycles of high development or expansion to occur for a certain period, completely breaking what was done in the previous wave, and, consequently, unbalancing the economy and causing a new cycle.
In this aspect, there is an objective that determines productivity and quality standards, so that, from these technological resources, you can learn more about your customer to provide experience, relevance, trust and generate value for your product or service.
What will the 6th wave of innovation look like?
Since 1785, the world has witnessed five waves of innovation. The first of these was the development of hydraulic energy, in addition to the textile and steel industries. In 1845, the second wave was compounded by the discovery of steam as a form of energy, the expansion of steel, and the creation of railroads.
As early as 1900, the third wave was marked mainly by the creation of electricity, the use of chemicals, and the internal combustion engine. The disruption took place 50 years later, with the use of petrochemicals, electronics and the popularization of aviation.
The fifth wave of innovation is what most of us are currently familiar with. Digital networks, software and new media have marked the 1990s to the last decade. As can be seen, each new wave has as its main characteristic the complete disruption of work models, in addition to changes in socioeconomic aspects. Thus, as each new wave emerges, it is up to society to adapt once again, focusing on the future and progress.
From now on, it is expected that the 6th wave of innovation will come through the use of artificial intelligence, with indications that it is also based on sustainability, since the scarcity of resources requires creative solutions for companies and countries survive.
This is due to the fact that, increasingly, there is a growing inequality between people and between countries. According to experts, it is not just about identifying problems and adopting a socially responsible discourse, but creating solutions to solve these problems, which range from the political, social and environmental aspects.
ESG (an acronym for Environmental, Social and Government, environment, social and governance, in free translation) is one of the pillars to win investors and increase the longevity of organizations, as it prioritizes and solves environmental, social and governance issues. something urgent to balance the economy.
Finally, an ecologically viable and socially just world will be able to create a more harmonious and pleasant place to work and, above all, to live. Linking social and environmental values, promoting the well-being of society, generating jobs and innovations based on developments in the technology and social field must be the main goals for the future, in Brazil and in the world.
Especially in the world after the pandemic, which reinforced the need and willingness to invest in social and environmental values and in the promotion of well-being, the expectation is that organizations and nations will be able to guarantee and rethink security and solidity between men, nature and companies, in a sustainable coexistence.